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Why wait for the next crisis to strike to redesign your future?

You don’t need to turn your life upside down.. At any point in your life, taking time to focus on what you really value can be very useful. Your life is made up of different areas and it’s important you get a clear idea of what they are and how satisfied you are with each one. You then need to create space and time for what really matters to you in each of those “hearts”.

This is where Happy Organization starts.

What does the Clover Heart represent?

The clover heart is where the straight line meets the round shape. It’s like the chatterbox game kids make out of a piece of paper, but turned it into a heart that opens into a 4-petal flower where each petal represents the 4 essential areas of our lives.

Our state of well-being depends onhow well we balance these different areas: I, I & Others, I & Work, I & the Environment. We can reach the flow state in every one of those areas and gain back the feeling of who we truly are: infinite souls with unlimited potential.

Join the four hearts together and you get a clover, the universal symbol of luck! And what is luck other than living the fleeting moment with happiness and intensity?

The Happy Organization formula

When we play with the Heart Clover—opening and closing it, making it become a single heart or two hearts close together—we start reflecting about our life and the meaning we want to give it.

What we come away with is summarized in the formula: less waste, more value

Less waste of energy, talent, time, space; more value to people, relationships, projects and action. The happy organization method can be applied:

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    at the company level, to get the people in your work teams to work together cohesively, productively and with accountability;
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    at the individual level in your role of entrepreneur and professional, to create order in your professional and personal life and improve the organization of your spaces, time and activities so that you can live the different areas of your life in a harmonious and balanced way;
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    at a personal level, to reclaim your sense of Self.


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    I and Others
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    I and the Environment (space + time)
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    I and Work (work-life balance)


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    Relationship with stakeholders
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    Internal space – ecosystem and sustainability
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    Work organization and work-life balance

The Happy Organization method: where do I start?

You can start anywhere:

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    inside out, from your I (Self)
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    outside in, from the outside (your company, for example)
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    from one of the petals of your choice, depending on what you “feel” is most important to you at this point in time.

“The ideal path starts from you, your Self.”

Want to know more about me?

Visit my website and discover my happy organizing method!

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6900 Lugano - Ticino Svizzera

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